The Original Ogre Phi Ogre
The Original Ogre Phi Ogre
The Original Ogre Phi Ogre
The Original Ogre Phi Ogre

In Memory
...And when great souls die,
after a period peace blooms,
slowly and always
irregularly. Spaces fill
with a kind of
soothing electric vibration.
Our senses, restored, never
to be the same, whisper to us.
They existed. They existed.
We can be. Be and be
better. For they existed.
from Maya Angelou's "Ailey, Baldwin, Floyd, Killens, and Mayfield"

Linda Adams
Chris Amos
Charles "Chap" Austin
Mary Linda Bethea Bailey
Lorenzo Barnes
Wanza Lawson Barnes
Terri D. Bell
Valeria Billings
Cynthia Marie Levine Booker
John Patterson Bouldin
Herbert Breeden
Anthony "Tony" Coles Brown
Archie Brown
Rosier Burke
Janice Butler
Leon Calhoun
Hattie Cumber Cameron
Carolyn Paulette Bunch Carter
George Earl Chamberlain, III
Pamela Poe Chavis
Roger Clay
Regina Worley Contreras
Edith Cooke-Williams
Pamela Keys Palmer Cooper
Renee Loving Cottom
James Crawford
Alma Davis
Janice Coward Davis
Larry "Tank" Dillard
Allen Evans
Charles Evans
Judith "Judy" Boykin Fields
Patricia "Pat" Perkins Franklin
Charlotte M. Hale
Charles S. Harris
Jacquelyn Peebles Haygood
Brenda Fields Hunt
Mae Jean Jefferson
Michael D. Jefferson
Arnold Jenkins
Cathy Jones
John Jones
Charlotte Jones-Mercer
Alonzo "Lonnie" Jones
Sandra A. Jones
Cedric Kahn
Deborah Vincent Kenney
Patrice Bradford Kinard
Claude LaGrand
Cheryl McKenzie Lee
Adrienne "A" Williams Lockett
Sharon L. Long
John Marcolini
Lewis Mason
Marsha Dianne Mason
Clarence "Geech" Lincoln Mays
Renee Hines Tuzo McLean
Rodney Medford
Cecily Menifield
Mary Miller
Martin "Marty" Morman
John "Sleepy" Morse
John Muehlhof
Yvonne "Vonnie" Crenshaw Nelson
Manard Overall
Marie Pack
Reginald "Reggie" Patterson
Charlotte Pearson
Gayle Perkins-Atkins
Carol Harris Plummer
Arnold Prioleau
Fredrick Rabin
Charles Wesley Reid
Larry Robinson
Fred "Freddy" Rozier
Raymond Rucker
Michael Ruffin
Yaw Sapon-Amoah
Patricia "Pat" Woodson Shaw
Forrestine "Forri" Sims
Deborah "Debbie" Singleton
Melvin Smith
Owen "OJ" Joseph Smith
Vernae Green Taylor
Ronald "Mouse" Thomas
Annetta "Nettie" Thompson
Bernard "Dino" Thompson
Ashton Thurman
Lynnette C. Velasco
David Waters
William "Bill" Watson
Constance White-Steed
Sheila Ann White
Nancy Whitted-Peabody
Pervis Wilkerson
David Williams
Paula Wilson
Pat Wilson
Levonia Wynn
Deborah "Debbie" Yuille